The PseudoVim Hub

Find me everywhere.


Other Stuff



If you break any of these, then it's safe to say that you are not welcome here.
If you see someone else breaking these in my Discord, report it to me or a mod, if it's elsewhere, just block them and move on. You don't need to argue on my behalf.


Feel free to DM me on any of my social media accounts. I can't guarantee I'll respond but you are absolutely welcome to shoot me a message!

Basic Respect

You'd think these would be obvious, but I feel like I have to mention them.

  • Treat everyone you talk to with basic respect. Inside or outside of this community.

  • I absolutely do not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment in my community. This of course includes any form of bigotry like homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. If you bring that into my Discord server or any comment section, you will be banned/blocked.

Fan Works

If I eventually make something that is worth making fan works of, then please follow these guidelines.

  • No NSFW art of me or my friends (duh). That's just gross. If you even thought about doing that before reading this, then you should just see yourself out.

  • NSFW of fictional characters that I create are fine given that the characters are 18+ and the relationships aren't problematic (like if the characters are related or something). I also ask that you respect their canon identities if they have been confirmed.

  • Do not romantically ship real people. Not just me or people associated with me, but ANYONE. If you do this, you are way too invested in other people's personal lives to the point where it's just creepy.

  • Other than this, fan works should all be fine. Just be sure to check everyone else's boundaries if you include them and they have them available somewhere.

Personal Stuff

  • Keep me out of anything religious or spiritual. This includes everything from christianity, to tarot, to witchcraft. Definitely don't enter my comments with religious stuff or say that you're praying for me. This doesn't make you look righteous, it makes you look like an asshole who doesn't understand boundaries.

About Me


Who is PseudoVim?

Hi! It's me, I'm PseudoVim.

I'm just a person who exists on the internet and likes to share stuff sometimes. I'm interested in a wide variety of topics such as gaming, music, animation, colour theory, and much more.

I have a lot of strong opinions, some are serious, but most are completely made up. It's your job to figure out what I'm serious about. Good luck.

Placeholder Party

What is Placeholder Party?

Placeholder Party is a group YouTube channel that I am a member of. It consists of roughly 8 people including myself. We mostly goof around, play games, and have a good time, then turn it into content for all of you. Find us everywhere by clicking the button below!